We need MORE research into Coeliac Disease
Please urgently donate today
Your donation to Wesley Research Institute is secure and gratefully received.
Your support will fund research into Coeliac Disease and other immune health disorders.
Thank you for supporting important medical research.
8 in 10 Australians with coeliac disease haven't been diagnosed yet. This can cause serious health issues.
The average age of Australians getting diagnosed is 30 years old. This is too late.
YOU can make the difference.
Support research for Coeliac Disease and help more Australians get screened and diagnosed!
Coeliac Disease is in the genes. We need to test our children!
Dietician Kristina has coeliac disease. She was sick all through school which meant she missed a lot of study, a lot of sleepovers, and a lot of fun.
Because it’s hereditary, Kristina knew that her daughter, Ashley was at higher risk. Kristina didn’t want her suffering for decades before finally getting diagnosed in her 30s like she did.
Kristina’s daughter was eventually diagnosed with the coeliac gene DQ2.5, but it was a struggle to get her tested.
However, the disease can be hard to diagnose and GPs may not realise the symptoms, such as iron deficiency, is caused by coeliac disease.

Help unlock the answers to coeliac disease. Please donate today!
What Coeliac Disease can do to kids if not treated...

Lifetime of gastrointestinal problems

Stunts growth

Behavioural problems


3x more risk of getting MS, osteoporosis and cancer

Will you support this important research into Coeliac Disease?
Associate Professor James Daveson & Dr Anuj Sehgal have been leading the coeliac disease research at Wesley Research Institute.
There is very little coeliac disease research happening right now and we’re aiming to do MORE.
We have started various research studies but need your help to fund more research for coeliac disease including better screening and early diagnosis.
Even if children don’t have symptoms the disease can cause lifelong health issues and other complications.
Will you help? Please make an urgent donation before June 30 and do good with your tax-return.
How your donation will help
- Help protect Aussie kids' health and improve diagnosis
- Have real-life impact to the lives of Australians living with undiagnosed coeliac disease
- Find NEW potential treatments
- Set up and Australian first Coeliac Disease Screening Clinic